
Our Unique Family
There have been many times when I have questioned a fate. I have questioned many areas of my life. There is, however, no doubt or questioning when you look at this picture. We are all very different and unique yet share many of the same qualities. I don't know what I would do without them. Tony, my boyfriend and I both had come out of bad marriages when we met.
Our children were the only things keeping us going. Arielle and Jacob are Tony and my gems. They are the heartbeat of our family, and we cherish them very much. Arielle wanting to pursue her independence from the family just turning 19 and Jacob, curious and full of love at age 12.
In only 4 years we have come through so much together as a family and as individuals. Never in a million years would I have expected that this is where my life would be. 1500 miles from home and looking towards the brightest future as I graduate with my Bachelor's in December and will be starting my Master's in January 2014. Won't you join us on our journey? Who really knows what will happen??